The Silent Earth (Mukamati)

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Having recognized the eternal and magnificent existence of the 'Soil', the Potter-artisan (Kumbhakara), after crushing and sifting it and removing all the impurities makes it worthy of creating his crafts. The potter provides shape to the lump of 'Soil' in his wheel and burns the craft in a furnace in such a way so as to make it a 'Sacred Pitcher' worthy of worship and adoration. This Epic poem is a grand metaphor of the journey of 'liberation of soul' from the karmic bondage while advancing towards the stage of perfect purification.

The graceful figures of speech, the art of story- telling, the dramatic effects of the living and soul- searching conversations by the 'characters', which are supposed to be lifeless, the establishment of the desired spiritual sense by piercing through the layers of word-usage are all instilled within the folds of this magnificent creative work.

This English translation 'The Silent Earth' of the Epic poem 'Mukamati' is thus presented to our esteemed readers.

आचार्य विध्यासागर (Acharya Vidyasagar )

आचार्य विद्यासागर - बाल्यकाल का नाम: विद्याधर। जन्म: 10 अक्टूबर, 1946 ग्राम सदलगा, ज़िला बेलगाँव (कर्नाटक) में। शिक्षा: कन्नड़ के माध्यम से हाई स्कूल। आचार्य-पद: 22 नवम्बर, 1972। स्वाध्याय, चिन्तन-मनन ए

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