The Rules of Sociological Method

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The elementary forms of the religious life -
In this book we propose to study the most primitive and simple
religion which is actually known, to make an analysis of it, and to attempt an explanation of it. A religious system may be said to be the most primitive which we can observe when it fulfils the two following conditions: in the first place, when it is found in a society whose organisation is surpassed by no others in simplicity; and secondly, when it is possible to explain it without making use of any element borrowed from a previous religion.

Emile Durkheim (Emile Durkheim)

Emile Durkheim Even though some histories of sociological thought place David Emile Durkheim (April 15, 1858 - November 15, 1917) helow Auguste Comte and Herbert Spencer, another shade of opinion credits iom as one who established the discipline on a solid footing and was, along with Karl Marx, an architect of modern social science. While the works of Comte and Spencer, despite being voluminous, resembled what was then known as "system-building," Durkheim was far more down-to-earth than both h

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